HTS - Harris Teeter Supermarket
HTS stands for Harris Teeter Supermarket
Here you will find, what does HTS stand for in Institution under Banking category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Harris Teeter Supermarket? Harris Teeter Supermarket can be abbreviated as HTS What does HTS stand for? HTS stands for Harris Teeter Supermarket. What does Harris Teeter Supermarket mean?Harris Teeter Supermarket is an expansion of HTS
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Alternative definitions of HTS
- High Throughput Screening
- Home Team Sports
- Highway Transportation System
- high temperature superconductors
- Human Terrain System
- Hatteras Financial Corp
- high tensile strength
- HARM Targeting System
View 121 other definitions of HTS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HECUSA The Happy Egg Co USA
- HMC Hilton Munich City
- HI The Highland Inn
- HSNI Home Shopping Network Inc.
- HIL Hardware Industries Ltd.
- HABITSPL HAB IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
- HBC Hinson Baptist Church
- HGS Harvey Grammar School
- HAPL Hako Australia Pty Ltd
- HPF Hospitality Property Fund
- HH The Harmony House
- HWS Hunter Well Science
- HAML Hassium Asset Management LLP
- HBI Heaton Bennett Insurance
- HGAC Havre de Grace Ambulance Corps
- HPG Hung Pump Group
- HATL Holden Aluminium Technologies Ltd
- HCS The Healing Center Seattle
- HWC Handle With Care
- HSL Hampton Steel Ltd